%0 Journal Article %T 中小学红色文化教育的内涵与多模态实施策略
The Connotation and Multi-Modal Implementation Strategy of Red Culture Education in Primary and Secondary Schools %A 梅倩 %J Advances in Education %P 205-211 %@ 2160-7303 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AE.2024.141033 %X 红色资源是中华民族的宝贵财富,用好红色资源,加强青少年的红色文化教育,是赓续红色基因的关键一环,在中小学开展红色文化教育有利于国家传承红色文化,有利于学校落实立德树人的根本目的,有利于树立青少年的文化自信。学校教育应秉承着“传承红色精神”的宗旨,统整学科课程中的红色元素、挖掘校本资源开发红色校本课程、创建红色文化教育环境、借助互联网丰富红色文化教育方式,渲染良好的红色氛围,让学生自幼就在心中种下一颗红色种子。
Red resources is the precious wealth of the Chinese nation, with good red resources, strengthen youth red culture education, is the key to the continuous red gene, in primary and secondary schools to carry out the red culture education is conducive to the national red culture, is advantageous to the school to carry out the fundamental purpose of khalidents, to establish the youth cultural self- confidence. School education should be adhering to the “inheritance of red” spirit, inte-gration course of red elements, mining school-based resources development red school-based cur-riculum, creating red culture education environment, using the Internet rich red culture education way, rendering good red atmosphere, and letting the students have planted a red seed in the heart. %K 红色文化教育,内涵,价值,实施策略
Red Culture Education %K Connotation %K Value %K Implementation Strategy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78978