%0 Journal Article %T 量子电池和充电器间的纠缠对充放电能量的影响
The Effect of Entanglement between Quantum Batteries and Chargers on Charge-Discharge Energy %A 刘晓萌 %A 闫学群 %J Modern Physics %P 10-17 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MP.2024.141002 %X 量子电池是近些年物理学界在量子信息理论基础上提出的重要研究课题,具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文通过研究充电器与量子电池初始处于纠缠态时,系统充放电能量的演化过程表明,纠缠态对系统充放电及量子电池最大输出功起重要的积极作用。纠缠最大时,充电器和量子电池充放电最大,并且量子电池最大功也最大。本文的结果对量子电池的研究具有及其重要的指导意义。
Quantum battery is an important research topic in physics field based on quantum information theory in recent years, which has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, the evolution process of charging and discharging energy of the system when the charger and the quantum battery are initially entangled shows that the entanglement plays an important role in the charging and discharging of the system and the ergotropy of the quantum battery. When the entanglement is maximum, the charger and quantum battery charge and discharge are the largest, and the ergotropy of the quantum battery is also the largest. The results of this paper have important guiding significance for the research of quantum batteries. %K 量子电池,量子纠缠,充放电过程
Quantum Batteries %K Quantum Entanglement %K Charge-Discharge Process %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78997