%0 Journal Article %T 货币性人力资源价值评估方法研究
Research on Monetary Human Resources Value Assessment Methods %A 鲁娜 %J Sustainable Development %P 41-45 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.141006 %X 人力资源作为一项由企业控制的特殊无形资产,是其竞争制胜的关键因素。科学定量地评估人力资源价值是人力资源管理领域的研究难点。鉴于货币性的人力资源价值评估方法能够直接量化人力资源价值,因而被广泛接受。本文对现有的货币性人力资源价值评估方法进行研究,旨在探讨各种评估方法的优缺点,为之后的研究奠定理论基础。
Human resources, as a special intangible asset controlled by an enterprise, is a key factor in winning the competition. Scientifically and quantitatively evaluating the value of human resources is a research difficulty in the field of human resource management. Since the monetary human re-sources value assessment method can directly quantify the value of human resources, it is widely accepted. This article studies the existing monetary human resources value evaluation methods, aiming to explore the advantages and disadvantages of various evaluation methods and lay a the-oretical foundation for subsequent research. %K 价值评估,人力资源,人力资源价值,人力资源价值评估
Value Assessment %K Human Resources %K Human Resource Value %K Human Resource Value Assessment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79124