%0 Journal Article %T 阿克苏机场翻山型沙尘暴天气气象要素特征分析研究
Analysis and Study on the Characteristics of Meteorological Elements of Overturned Sandstorm in Aksu Airport %A 王亚戈 %J Climate Change Research Letters %P 74-82 %@ 2168-5703 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCRL.2024.131009 %X 本文对阿克苏机场2016~2020年间翻山型沙尘暴天气的气象要素特征进行分析。结果表明,造成阿克苏机场的翻山型沙尘暴天气的风速一般要均风超过8 m/s,且以偏西风260?~310?为主;翻山型沙尘暴天气开始和消散相对速度,主导能见度呈陡崖式变化。且风速和主导能见度呈现明显的负相关;翻山型沙尘暴天气过程中风、压、湿的变化密切相关,对大风沙尘暴开始时间的预报具有很好的指示意义。
In this paper, the characteristics of meteorological elements of the mountain-turning sandstorm weather in Aksu Airport during 2016~2020 were analyzed. The results show that the average wind speed of the mountain-type sandstorm at Aksu Airport is generally more than 8 m/s, and the westerly wind is mainly 260?~310?. The relative speed of the onset and dissipation of the mountain- turning sandstorm weather, and the dominant visibility showed a steep cliff-like change. There was a significant negative correlation between wind speed and dominant visibility. The changes of wind, pressure and humidity are closely related to the weather of the mountain-turning sandstorm, which has a good indicative significance for the prediction of the start time of the windy sandstorm. %K 翻山型,沙尘暴,气象要素
Across Mountains %K Sandstorm %K Meteorological Elements %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79138