%0 Journal Article %T 大学生兼职的劳动权益保护
The Protection of College Students’ Part-Time Labor Interests %A 程浩 %A 安菁蔚 %A 周宁 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 164-170 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121025 %X 在当前我国高校大学生的就业压力越来越大的情况下,不少大学生选择利用空余时间从事兼职工作来缓解财务压力。然而,这些兼职工作往往存在各种各样的权益侵害问题。其中,最为典型的问题包括薪酬待遇较低且不按时发放;未享受到相关社会福利与人身安全保障;遭遇虚假信息、网络诈骗险和福利待遇不到位等等。浅析这些问题,可以发现它们更多地源于合同缺失、信息不透明、法律意识淡薄等因素。本文从国家法制建设、大学生自身、高校、社会四个方面对此类问题出现的原因进行了分析与研究,最终提出了包括完善法律规范,增强大学生自身维权意识,加大政府及高校的保护力度以及加强对中介机构和企业监管等多个建议与措施,以帮助大学生在兼职期间更好的保护自身合法劳动权益。
Under the situation of increasing employment pressure of college students in our country at present, many college students choose to use their spare time to engage in part-time jobs to relieve financial pressure. However, these part-time jobs often have a variety of rights infringement problems. Among them, the most typical problems include low salary and non-timely payment; not enjoying the relevant social welfare and personal safety guarantee; encountering false information, network fraud insurance and welfare benefits are not in place and so on. Analysis of these problems, we can find that they are more from the lack of contract, information opacity, weak legal awareness and other factors. This paper analyzes and studies the causes of such problems from four aspects: national legal system construction, college students themselves, colleges and universities, and society. Finally, it puts forward several suggestions and measures, including improving legal norms, enhancing college students’ awareness of protecting their rights, strengthening the protection of the government and colleges, and strengthening the supervision of intermediaries and enterprises. To help college students better protect their legitimate labor rights and interests during the part-time period. %K 大学生,劳动权益,兼职,法律保障
College Students %K Labor Rights and Interests %K Part-Time Jobs %K Legal Protection %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79195