%0 Journal Article %T 我国知识产权民事纠纷的行政解决机制研究
Study on the Administrative Settlement Mechanism of Intellectual Property Civil Disputes in China %A 黄筱童 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 171-178 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121026 %X 目前,知识经济的时代已经到来,知识产权在国内外越来越受到重视,知识产权产生的民事纠纷数量也日益增多。知识产权行政解决能够为知识产权提供行政权的“治安保护”,在知识产权民事纠纷司法诉讼压力逐渐增大的情况下,行政解决的参与就显得十分重要,不仅能够切实保护知识产权、健全知识产权治理体系,还可以减轻司法诉讼的压力、提高知识产权纠纷解决的效率。然而我国对于行政参与的正当性依旧争论激烈,且行政解决在实践中也仍存在一些不足与问题。因此,为进一步明确行政解决参与知识产权民事纠纷的意义,优化和完善知识产权行政执法,本文将对知识产权民事纠纷的含义进行深度理解,并对行政解决参与的必要性与合理性进行论述,同时针对知识产权民事纠纷行政解决机制在实践中存在的问题提出完善建议。
At present, the era of knowledge economy has come, intellectual property rights at home and abroad more and more attention, intellectual property rights generated by the number of civil dis-putes is also increasing. Intellectual property administrative settlement for intellectual property rights can provide administrative rights of “security protection”, in the case of intellectual property rights civil disputes judicial litigation pressure gradually increased, the participation of adminis-trative settlement is very important, not only can effectively protect intellectual property rights, improve intellectual property rights governance system, but also reduce the pressure of judicial litigation, improve the efficiency of intellectual property rights dispute resolution. However, the legitimacy of administrative participation is still hotly debated in China, and there are still some deficiencies and problems in administrative settlement in practice. Therefore, in order to further clarify the significance of administrative settlement of intellectual property civil disputes, optimise and improve the administrative enforcement of intellectual property rights, this paper will provide an in-depth understanding of the meaning of intellectual property civil disputes, and discuss the necessity and reasonableness of the participation of administrative settlement, and put forward suggestions to improve the administrative settlement mechanism of intellectual property civil disputes in practice. %K 知识产权民事纠纷,行政解决机制,多元解决机制
Intellectual Property Civil Disputes %K Administrative Settlement Mechanism %K Multi-Disciplinary Mechanism %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79196