%0 Journal Article %T 违法所得没收程序证明标准研究
Study on Standards of Proof in Proceedings for the Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime %A 李一维 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 186-192 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121028 %X 确定证明标准是违法所得没收程序顺利进行的关键。立法上对违法所得没收程序的证明标准规定较为模糊,这导致其在实践中可能遭遇程序障碍,影响制度效果。违法所得没收程序是解决违法所得归属问题的刑事诉讼特别程序。检察机关对犯罪事实应当采取低于最高证明要求的“有证据证明有犯罪事实存在”的标准,对关联性应当采取在全面性和证明力方面略高于优势证据的“高度可能”的证明标准;利害关系人持相反意见主张权利时,应采取优势证据的证明标准。
Determining the standard of proof is the key to the smooth operation of confiscation proceedings for proceeds of crime. Legislative provisions on the standard of proof for proceeds of crime confiscation procedures are vague, which leads to the possibility of procedural obstacles in practice and affects the effectiveness of the system. The proceeds of crime confiscation procedure are a special procedure in criminal proceedings to solve the problem of attribution of proceeds of crime. Procuratorial authorities should adopt the standard of “evidence of the existence of criminal facts” for facts of crime, which is lower than the highest standard of proof, and the standard of “highly probable” for relevance, which is slightly higher than the preponderance of evidence in terms of comprehensiveness and probative power; when interested parties hold a contrary view and claim their rights, the standard of proof of preponderance of evidence shall be adopted. %K 违法所得没收,证明标准,特别程序,犯罪事实,高度可能
Confiscation of Proceeds of Violation %K Standard of Proof %K Special Procedures %K Criminal Facts %K High Probability %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79198