%0 Journal Article %T 案外人执行异议之诉的困境与纾解
The Dilemma and Relief of the Outsider’s Ex-ecution of the Objection Lawsuit %A 陈虹宇 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 216-223 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121032 %X 作为对案外人合法权益的救济手段,案外人执行异议之诉在民事诉讼中具有举足轻重的作用。不过,现阶段我国的相关立法规定还不够完善,制度规则存在漏洞,实践中案外人执行异议之诉暴露出了前置程序滥用、虚假诉讼横行、异议事由判定模糊等问题。在此,可借鉴国外已有的制度经验,针对实践中所面临的困境,树立公正为主兼顾效率和利益平衡的指导原则,发挥执行异议前置程序的作用、明确被执行人地位、完善异议事由的相关规定、打击虚假诉讼行为,实现对案外人执行异议之诉现有困境的纾解,使其更好发挥其作用和价值。
As a means of relief for the legal rights and interests of non-litigants, non-litigants’ action of objection to execution plays an important role in civil litigation. However, at this stage our country’s relevant legislative provisions are not perfect, system rules exist loopholes, in practice, the execution of the objection lawsuit by the outsider in the case exposes the abuse of the pre-procedure, the prevalence of the false lawsuit and the ambiguity of the judgment of the objection cause. Here, we can draw lessons from the system experience of foreign countries, in view of the difficulties faced in practice, set up the guiding principle of justice-based efficiency and balance of interests, to give full play to the role of the pre-objection procedure, clarify the status of the person being executed, improve the relevant provisions of the objection cause, crack down on the false lawsuit, and realize the relief of the present predicament of the person outside the case in executing the objection action, make it better play its role and value. %K 案外人,民事诉讼,执行异议之诉,执行救济
Non-Litigants %K Civil Litigation %K Action of Execution Objection %K Execution Remedy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79202