%0 Journal Article %T 电商平台交易中消费者个人信息保护问题研究
Research on Consumer Personal Information Protection in E-Commerce Platform Transactions %A 潘修远 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 224-230 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121033 %X “互联网+”时代,个人信息有着空前重要的战略价值,因而成为各大电商平台争抢开发的资源,过度的采集和处理致使电商平台中的消费者个人信息权益面临危机。我国在《个人信息保护法》颁布后形成了较为完善的个人信息保护的法律体系,但电商平台这一特殊场景下的个人信息保护机制仍然未完善,存在着敏感信息处理不合理、告知同意规则未落实以及消费者维权难度高等问题。针对以上问题,可以借鉴域外立法经验,从几方面入手完善:明确电商平台交易场景中个人信息权益的范围;提高对告知义务以及同意方式的要求;降低消费者举证责任并引入惩罚性赔偿措施。
In the era of “Internet+”, personal information has unprecedented strategic value, which has become a resource for major e-commerce platforms to compete for development, and excessive collection and processing have led to a crisis in the rights and interests of consumers’ personal information in e-commerce platforms. After the promulgation of the Personal Information Protection Law, China has formed a relatively complete legal system for the protection of personal information, but the personal information protection mechanism under the special scenario of e-commerce plat-forms is still not perfect, and there are problems such as unreasonable handling of sensitive information, unimplemented consent rules and high difficulty for consumers to protect their rights. In view of the above problems, we can learn from foreign legislative experience and improve from several aspects: clarifying the scope of personal information rights and interests in the transaction scene of e-commerce platform; increased requirements on the obligation to inform and the form of consent; reducing the burden of proof on consumers and introduce punitive damages. %K 电商平台,个人信息,敏感个人信息,告知同意规则
E-Commerce Platform %K Personal Information %K Sensitive Personal Information %K Consent Rules %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79203