%0 Journal Article %T 可持续发展视阈下水资源保护及利用研究综述
Review of Research on Protection and Utilization of Underwater Resources from the Perspective of Sustainable Development %A 王智弘 %A 谭雅馨 %A 苏馨悦 %A 胡金会 %J Sustainable Development %P 1-6 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.141001 %X 水是人类社会赖以生存、不可替代的自然资源,但当前我国水资源严重匮乏,影响着经济发展和人民正常生活,且水资源浪费污染与不合理配置现象依旧存在。由此,本文在可持续发展视阈下,深入研究水资源保护和水资源可持续利用等理论,并针对当前存在的问题,对国内外水资源保护及可持续利用现有研究成果进行归纳总结,汲取国内外学者经验,同时探寻当前研究存在的不足并对未来研究方向提出建议,以推动我国节水型社会建设,同时促进水资源保护与可持续利用研究的深入开展。
At present, water resource is seriously lacking in our country, which affects economic development and people’s normal life, and the phenomenon of water resource waste, pollution and irrational allocation is still existing. Therefore, from the perspective of sustainable development, this paper summarizes the existing research results on water resources protection and sustainable utilization at home and abroad in view of the current problems, puts forward the shortcomings of current research and puts forward suggestions for future research directions, so as to promote the construction of a water-saving society in China and promote the in-depth development of research on water resources protection and sustainable utilization. %K 水资源保护,水资源可持续利用,可持续发展,理论综述
Water Resources Protection %K Sustainable Use of Water Resources %K Sustainable Development %K The-oretical Review %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79041