%0 Journal Article %T 利用Fejér单调性的两个算子和的收敛性定理
Convergence Theorem for the Sum of Two Operators via Fejér Monotonicity %A 洪嘉聪 %J Pure Mathematics %P 1-8 %@ 2160-7605 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PM.2024.141001 %X 本文研究了实Hilbert空间中的一类变分包含问题,并给出了该问题解的一个充要条件。通过利用Fejér单调性证明了在给定条件下迭代序列的弱收敛性,以及阴影序列的强收敛性,同时我们得到了该阴影序列强收敛到原变分包含问题的解。
In this paper, we study a class of variational inclusion problem in real Hilbert space and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the solution of this problem. Via the Fejér monotonicity, we prove weak convergence of the iterative sequences and strong convergence of the shadow se-quences under given conditions. Moreover, we get that the shadow sequences converge strongly to the solution of the original variational inclusion problem. %K 预解式,Fejér单调性,包含问题,强收敛,弱收敛
Resolvent %K Fejér Monotonicity %K Inclusion Problems %K Strong Convergence %K Weak Convergence %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79048