%0 Journal Article %T 刑事诉讼被追诉人权利制度建设
Construction of the Rights System of the Accused in Criminal Litigation %A 张萃玲 %J Dispute Settlement %P 351-362 %@ 2379-3104 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DS.2024.101048 %X 人权是每个人作为一个人应享有的基本权利。我国已进入中国特色社会主义新时代,法治建设也取得了显著进步,国家对人权保障问题也越来越重视。虽然我国人权保障事业已经取得了许多成就,但是刑事诉讼被追诉人的人权被侵害的现象仍然存在。刑事诉讼兼具惩罚犯罪和保护人民的双重使命,要兼顾实体正义和程序正义,让人民群众在每一个案件中都看到公平与正义。本文结合我国对刑事诉讼被追诉人人权保障的法律规定及司法实践,探究其中存在的一些问题,并提出在立法领域明确无罪推定原则及沉默权,在司法领域加强对侵害被追诉人权利的监督,在意识形态领域提高全社会重视保护被追诉人人权的意识等建议。由此,希望能为刑事诉讼被追诉人人权保障建设提供一份力量。
Human rights are the fundamental rights that every person should enjoy as an individual. China has entered a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and significant progress has been made in the construction of the rule of law. The country is also paying increasing attention to the issue of human rights protection. Although many achievements have been made in China’s human rights protection cause, the phenomenon of human rights violations against individuals prosecuted in criminal proceedings still exists. Criminal litigation has a dual mission of punishing crimes and protecting the people. It is necessary to balance substantive justice and procedural justice, so that the people can see fairness and justice in every case. This article combines the legal provisions and judicial practice in China to protect the rights of all prosecuted persons in criminal proceedings, explores some existing problems, and proposes suggestions such as clarifying the principle of presumption of innocence and the right to silence in the legislative field, strengthening supervision of infringement on the rights of prosecuted persons in the judicial field, and raising awareness of the whole society’s importance in protecting the rights of all prosecuted persons in the field of ideology. Therefore, we hope to provide a contribution to the construction of human rights protection for those prosecuted in criminal proceedings. %K 人权,人权保障,刑事诉讼,被追诉人,程序正义
Human Rights %K Human Rights Protection %K Criminal Proceedings %K Defendants %K Procedural Justice %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79079