%0 Journal Article %T GATT国民待遇原则框架下案涉措施对市场的实际影响(Actual Effect/Practical Impact)问题研究
n the Actual Effect/Practical Impact in the Market of the Measures in Dispute under the GATT Principle of National Treatment %A 郎佳霖 %J Dispute Settlement %P 387-392 %@ 2379-3104 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DS.2024.101052 %X WTO争端解决机构在裁决国际货物贸易法上案涉措施是否违反GATT 1994规定的国民待遇原则时,往往并不详细考察其实际影响(actual effect/practical impact)。本文意图探究此种做法由何而来、是否合理。本文通过对WTO争端解决机构裁决的案例实证研究和与国际投资法上类似案例的比较研究,认为在GATT框架下不考察案涉措施实际影响的做法并非不合理,但特定情况下需注意考察其他方面的内容。
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) often does not examine the actual effect/practical impact when deciding whether a measure in dispute violates the principle of national treatment under GATT 1994. This paper intends to explore the origins of this practice and whether it is legally reasonable. Through empirical research on cases decided by the DSB and comparative study on similar cases in international investment law, this paper argues that the practice of not examining the actual effect/practical impact under GATT is not unreasonable, but should be taken into consideration under certain situations. %K WTO,GATT 1994,国民待遇原则,实际影响
WTO %K GATT 1994 %K National Treatment %K Actual Effect/Practical Impact %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79083