%0 Journal Article %T 基于索罗–斯旺模型的农村经济可持续发展研究
Study on the Sustainable Development of Rural Economy Based on the Solow-Swan Model %A 孙鹏翔 %J Finance %P 153-166 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.141018 %X “十四五”时期是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果、实现我国广大乡村振兴的重要机遇期,农村经济可持续发展是实现国家富强,生活富裕,人民幸福的重要途径。但近些年来农村经济发展存在的污染严重、产业化水平低等诸多问题,制约了农村经济可持续发展的进程。本文借助索罗–斯旺模型,从资本量与劳动人口角度,进行实证分析。通过时间序列模型,首先分析农村经济发展问题,随后详细分析资本量与劳动人口在经济发展中的作用,最后为实现农村经济可持续发展进一步提出针对性建议。
“The Period of the 14th Five Year Plan” is an important opportunity to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and realize the revitalization of the vast rural areas in China. The sustainable development of rural economy is an important path to realizing the prosperity of the country, the prosperity of life and the happiness of the people. However, in recent years, many problems such as serious pollution and low level of industrialization in rural economic development have restricted the process of sustainable development of rural economy. There is few data empirical analysis of rural agricultural economic development on the issue of sustainable development of rural economy. In this paper, with the help of the Solow-Swan model, we will conduct empirical research from the perspective of the amount of capital and the labor force. Through the auto regression moving average model, first, we analyze the trouble of rural economic development, then analyze the role of the amount of capital and the labor force in the sustainable development of rural economy in detail, and finally put forward some targeted policy advocacy for the sustainable development of rural economy. %K 索罗–斯旺模型,农村经济,可持续发展,经济增长
Solow-Swan Model %K Rural Economy %K The Sustainable Development %K Economic Growth %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79286