%0 Journal Article %T APP隐私政策知情同意规则的适用困境与应对路径
The Application Dilemma and Response Path of the Informed Consent Rule in APP Privacy Policy %A 应文娇 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 280-285 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121039 %X 知情同意规则的适用是个人信息保护制度的核心,通过隐私政策获取个人信息时,应当以信息主体的同意作为其正当性基础。在数字经济时代,知情同意规则的适用面临着诸多困境:规则运行成本过高、部分信息处理者“默示同意”、同意的有效性不足。纾解知情同意规则困境之路在于完善知情同意原则、健全行业自律规范,实现告知同意规则在APP隐私政策中的适用优化,进而保障自然人的信息自主和信息自决权。
The application of the informed consent rule is the core of the personal information protection system. When obtaining personal information through privacy policies, the consent of the information subject should be taken as the legitimate basis. In the era of digital economy, the application of informed consent rules faces many difficulties: high operating costs of rules, some information processors’ implicit consent, and insufficient effectiveness of consent. The way to alleviate the dilemma of informed consent rules lies in improving the principle of informed consent, strengthening indus-try self-discipline norms, optimizing the application of informed consent rules in APP privacy poli-cies, and thereby safeguarding the information autonomy and self-determination rights of natural persons. %K 隐私政策,知情同意规则,个人信息保护,适用困境
Privacy Policy %K Informed Consent Rules %K Personal information Protection %K Application Dilemma %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79276