%0 Journal Article %T 论刑事辩护全覆盖的目的
On the Purpose of Full Coverage of Criminal Defense %A 樊小雅 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 298-302 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121042 %X 辩护率低是我国刑事辩护长期存在的一个问题。2017年10月11日《关于刑事案件律师辩护全覆盖试点改革办法》正式出台,为案件被告人提供值班律师法律帮助,从而实现审判阶段律师刑事辩护全覆盖。开展刑事案件律师辩护全覆盖试点工作,为实现刑事辩护全覆盖奠定基础,激励广大刑事辩护律师利用全面的法律知识和卓越的法律素养为被告人提供辩护,旨在强化人权司法保护、实现司法公正,是推动诉讼体制改革的又一大进步。
The low defense rate is a long-standing problem of criminal defense in our country. On October 11, 2017, the “Pilot reform Measures on Full coverage of Lawyer defense in Criminal Cases” was officially introduced, providing legal help for case defendants with duty lawyers, so as to achieve full coverage of criminal defense by lawyers at the trial stage. To carry out the pilot work of full coverage of lawyer defense in criminal cases, lay the foundation for the realization of “full coverage of criminal defense”, and encourage the majority of criminal defense lawyers to use comprehensive legal knowledge and excellent legal literacy to provide defense for defendants, aimed at strengthening judicial protection of human rights and realizing judicial justice, is another great progress in promoting the reform of the litigation system. %K 刑事辩护,被告人,人权保障,司法公正
Criminal Defense %K Defendant %K Human Rights Protection %K Justice %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79279