%0 Journal Article %T 信湖煤矿F1断层带水文地质特征分析
Analysis of Hydrogeological Characteristics of F1 Fault in Xinhu Coal Mine %A 张治 %A 谢君 %A 苗锦龙 %A 黄河 %A 王来斌 %J Mine Engineering %P 38-45 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ME.2024.121005 %X 本文基于矿井钻探资料、地震资料及室内和现场测试成果等,对信湖煤矿F1断层带岩性特征、水理性质、含导水性等水文地质特征进行研究,研究结果表明:1. F1断层为张扭性断层,形成时代早,落差大,切割地层多;2. 断层带岩性以泥岩、粉砂岩为主,砂泥比约0.66~0.687,岩石破碎,裂隙发育,岩石矿物成分主要为高岭石等粘土矿物,遇水后易崩解,富水性差,导水性差;3. F1断层带渗透系数0.0159~0.0661 m/d,透水率(Lu) 0.1788,断层带岩体渗透性等级为微透水。
Based on mine drilling data, seismic data, and indoor and on-site testing results, the hydrogeolog-ical characteristics of the F1 fault zone in Xinhu Coal Mine, including lithological characteristics, hydraulic properties, and water conductivity were analyzed. The research results show that: 1. The F1 fault is a tensional and torsional fault, formed early, with a large drop and multiple cutting strata; 2. The lithology of the fault zone is mainly composed of mudstone and siltstone, with a sand to mud ratio of about 0.66~0.687. The rock is fractured, with developed fractures. The mineral composition of the rock is mainly clay minerals such as kaolinite, which is prone to collapse when encountering water, and has poor water richness and conductivity; 3. The permeability coefficient of F1 fault zone is 0.0159~0.0661 m/d, and the permeability rate (Lu) is 0.1788. The permeability level of the rock mass in the fault zone is micro permeable. %K 信湖煤矿,断层带,水文地质特征,岩性结构,导含水性,渗透性
Xinhu Coal Mine %K Fault Zone %K Hydrogeological Characteristics %K Lithologic Structure %K Water Conductivity %K Permeability %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79185