%0 Journal Article %T 关于瓦斯突出预测和防范的进展及展望
Progress and Prospects for Gas Outburst Prediction and Prevention %A 许沐伟 %A 刘星 %J Mine Engineering %P 46-51 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ME.2024.121006 %X 瓦斯突出,作为煤矿安全的重大威胁,不仅危及矿工生命安全,也对煤矿经济造成重大影响。本研究深入探讨了瓦斯突出的关键影响因素,包括煤层特性、构造特征、地应力状态,以及顶板和底板条件。针对这些因素,本文分析了多种瓦斯突出预测和防范方法,如传统经验法、数值模拟法、监测预警法和特征识别法,并对它们的优势和局限性进行了比较。在实际矿井建设工程中,强调了审查施工单位、配置专业安全技术人员以及综合应用多种防控技术的重要性。展望未来,本文提出了提高预测准确性、增强预警机制、发展创新技术以及加强培训与宣传的必要性。通过这些措施,我们将能更有效地保护矿工生命安全,减少经济损失,并促进社会稳定。
Gas outburst, as a major threat to coal mine safety, not only endangers the lives of miners, but also has a significant impact on the coal mine economy. This study provides an in-depth exploration of the key influencing factors of gas outbursts, including coal seam characteristics, structural char-acteristics, in-situ stress states, and roof and floor conditions. In response to these factors, this ar-ticle analyzes a variety of gas outburst prediction and prevention methods, such as traditional empirical methods, numerical simulation methods, monitoring and early warning methods, and feature identification methods, and compares their advantages and limitations. In actual mine construction projects, the importance of reviewing construction units, deploying professional safety technicians, and comprehensively applying multiple prevention and control technologies is em-phasized. Looking to the future, this article proposes the need to improve forecast accuracy, en-hance early warning mechanisms, develop innovative technologies, and strengthen training and publicity. Through these measures, we will be able to more effectively protect the lives and safety of miners, reduce economic losses, and promote social stability. %K 瓦斯突出,预测方法,防范措施,矿井安全
Gas Outburst %K Prediction Method %K Preventive Measures %K Mine Safety %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79187