%0 Journal Article %T iDEAL-CIO: Instant Digital Express Advocated ¡°Magic Lamp¡± for Cloud Intelligence Outlet %A Sheldon Liang %A Paul Anthony Miller %A Brendan Shane Rowe %A Alexis Rainbow %J Intelligent Information Management %P 35-63 %@ 2160-5920 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/iim.2024.161004 %X Instant Digital Express iDEAL-CIO The ¡°Magic Lamp¡± for Cloud Intelligence Outlet, which has been recommended, combines innovations to satisfy modern users¡¯ needs and efficiently sift through the ever-expanding amount of intelligent content stored in the cloud. One such innovation introduces a ground-breaking concept to remove superfluous and outdated sequential search patterns that overwhelm the user and computer in order to better serve the user in an eclectic & elastic and multidimensional approach to finding, grouping, assimilation, organizing, and delivering archival content. The cloud intelligence outlet (CIO) is presented in this article as the perfect magic lamp option for quick digital express advocacy. The grouping, indexing, folding, and targeting (GIFT) method of multidimensional online synthetic/analytical intelligent content (MOSAIC) for adaptive intelligence is the fundamental intelligent aggregation and automated process of the Magic Lamp. Three perspectives above this new ideal framework are available to observe: The Magic Lamp proposes contextual and multiple analytical tracks to improve cloud intelligence services conceptually. Technically speaking, MOSAIC combines domain-specific services for a wide range of international users, and through the usage of Cloud Intelligence Outlet, GIFT operationally activates grouping, indexing, folding, and targeting to promote decent experience and in-depth research on target for users¡¯ wants. Because of this, iDEAL-CIO works in tandem with cloud extraction, digital transformation, and archival loading to provide improved service through the readily accessible cloud intelligence outlet. %K iDEAL-CIO %K MOSAIC %K Multidimensional Online Synthetic/Analytical Intelligent Content %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130517