%0 Journal Article %T 数字平台监管策略新论
A New Approach to Regulatory Strategies for Digital Platforms %A 王银路 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 312-317 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121044 %X 数字经济的快速发展推动了数字平台的崛起,而数字平台自身独特的网络效应、多边市场等竞争特性使其更容易形成垄断,这对市场良性竞争和创新发展带来不利影响。数字平台的垄断行为呈现出有别于传统垄断行为的特点,这就使得数字平台在适用传统反垄断分析工具的过程中面临的困局愈加明显。因此,应结合平台自身特点,借鉴国外监管和执法经验,调适传统反垄断分析方法和工具,完善相关数据立法,提升监管技术能力,为数字平台建立一个协调事前预防和事中事后监管的反垄断监管体系。
The rapid development of the digital economy has promoted the rise of digital platforms, which are more prone to forming monopolies due to their unique network effects, multilateral markets and other competitive characteristics, which adversely affect the healthy competition and innovative development of the market. The monopoly behaviour of digital platforms presents characteristics different from traditional monopoly behaviour, which makes the dilemma faced by digital platforms in the process of applying traditional antitrust analysis tools more and more obvious. Therefore, an antitrust regulatory system that coordinates ex ante prevention and ex post supervision should be established for digital platforms by taking into account the platforms’ own characteristics, drawing on foreign regulatory and law enforcement experience, adapting the traditional antitrust analysis methods and tools, improving the relevant data legislation, and upgrading the regulatory technological capabilities. %K 数字平台,反垄断监管,监管体系,事前监管
Digital Platform %K Anti-Monopoly Regulation %K Regulatory System %K Ex Ante Regulation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79346