%0 Journal Article %T 新时代会计职业价值观融入会计专业人才培养路径研究
Research on the Integration of Accounting Professional Values into the Training Path of Accounting Professional Talents in the New Era %A 孙孟莲 %A 苏悦 %A 东光明 %J Vocational Education %P 173-178 %@ 2160-4401 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/VE.2024.131028 %X 新时代会计职业价值观的形成能够加强会计人员的职业道德素质,是助理会计行业高质量发展的重要因素。会计人员在大学学习阶段和社会工作阶段都面临这会计职业价值观薄弱的问题,这需要我们不断将新时代会计职业价值观融入会计专业人才培养,从而解决该问题。本研究以新时代会计职业价值观融入会计专业人才培养为目标,提出了注重理论引导、创新教学方法、深入交叉融合、深耕教学研究等方法将新时代会计职业价值观融入会计专业人才培养过程,构建会计职业价值观评价体系,优化新时代具有会计职业价值观的会计专业人才的培养路径,更加全面的提升会计专业人员的专业技能和职业价值观,培养高素质的会计专业人才。
The formation of accounting professional values in the new era can strengthen the professional moral quality of accounting personnel, which is an important factor for the high-quality development of assistant accounting industry. Accounting personnel are faced with the problem of weak accounting professional values in the university learning stage and the social work stage, which requires us to constantly integrate the accounting professional values in the new era into the training of accounting professionals, so as to solve the problem. This study aims to integrate accounting professional values into the training of accounting professionals in the new era, simulate the optimization of the top-level design and the construction of the evaluation system of accounting professional values, optimize the training path of accounting professionals with accounting professional values in the new era, improve the professional skills and professional values of accounting professionals in a more comprehensive way, and cultivate high-quality accounting professionals. %K 新时代会计价值观,会计专业人才
New Era Accounting Values %K Accounting Professional Talents %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79403