%0 Journal Article %T 徐惠梅教授治疗冠心病经验分享
Professor Xu Huimei’s Experience Sharing in Treating Coronary Heart Disease %A 夏杰 %A 徐惠梅 %J Traditional Chinese Medicine %P 46-49 %@ 2166-6059 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TCM.2024.131008 %X 冠心病是一种常见的心血管疾病,徐惠梅教授认为该病病机较为复杂,总结后,不离虚实两方面,其中虚证以气虚常见,实证以血瘀为主,常兼痰浊。临床上,患者往往多种病机错杂,故应仔细分析,考虑全面,予益气、活血、豁痰等治疗。本文借就诊患者中一个典型病例,分享徐惠梅教授治疗冠心病的经验。
Coronary heart disease is a common cardiovascular disease. Professor Xu Huimei believes that the disease pathogenesis is more complex. After summary, not from the deficiency of qi deficiency is common. The demonstration is mainly blood stasis, often phlegm and turbidity. Clinically, patients often have a variety of pathogens, so it should be carefully analyzed, considered comprehensively, to benefit qi, blood circulation, phlegm and other treatment. This paper shares professor Xu Huimei’s experience in the treatment of coronary heart disease through a typical case among the patients. %K 冠心病,中医药,膏方
Coronary Heart Disease %K Traditional Chinese Medicine %K Ointment Formula %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79335