%0 Journal Article %T 术语学中概念理论的发展流变及其在翻译中的应用
The Evolution of Conceptual Theory in Terminology and Its Application in Translation %A 赵丹丹 %J Modern Linguistics %P 220-227 %@ 2330-1716 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ML.2024.121033 %X 术语学是一门新兴的交叉学科,其主要研究对象是术语、定义、概念和概念系统。术语是概念的语言指称,概念内涵通过抽象概括后形成特征以术语的形式表现。术语和概念的研究具有相互促进作用,术语研究促进识解术语表征的概念,概念内涵的研究有利于概念跨语言跨文化后的命名。本文从概念与术语关系、概念特征的特点、概念组织等角度梳理了术语学中概念理论的发展并列举了不同概念理论在翻译中的应用,希望术语工作者能合理运用概念理论指导翻译研究。
As a burgeoning interdisciplinary subject, Terminology is aimed to study terms, definitions, con-cepts and conceptual systems. Terms are linguistic representations of concepts, through which conceptual characteristics are represented, which are abstracted and summarized from properties attributed to objects. Studies on terms and concepts promoted each other as research on terms is conducive to construing concepts and research on concepts is helpful to their interlinguistic re-naming. This research reviews the development of conceptual theory in terminology from aspects of term-concept relation, conceptual characteristics and organization. It also exemplifies practices of conceptual theory in translation field in order to shed light on future translation studies under the guide of conceptual theory. %K 术语学,概念理论,概念,翻译
Terminology %K Conceptual Theory %K Concepts %K Translation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79319