%0 Journal Article %T Correspondence Principle for Empirical Equations in Terms of the Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature with Solid-State Ionics %A Tomofumi Miyashita %J Journal of Modern Physics %P 51-63 %@ 2153-120X %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jmp.2024.151002 %X Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature that were mathematically connected. Next, we proposed an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (Tc) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 ¡Á 10-11 m3¡¤kg-1¡¤s-2, respectively. Every equation can be explained in terms of the Compton length of an electron (¦Ëe), the Compton length of a proton (¦Ëp) and ¦Á. However, these equations are difficult to follow. Using the correspondence principle with the thermodynamic principles in solid-state ionics, we propose a canonical ensemble to explain these equations in this report. For this purpose, we show that every equation can be explained in terms of Avogadro¡¯s number and the number of electrons in 1 C. %K Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130542