%0 Journal Article %T Finite-Time Thermodynamic Simulation of Circulating Direct Condensation Heat Recovery on Chillers %A Zhixin Yang %A Feihu Chen %A Liping Wang %A Guangcai Gong %J Journal of Power and Energy Engineering %P 1-14 %@ 2327-5901 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jpee.2024.121001 %X A time series model is used in this paper to describe the progress of circulating direct condensation heat recovery of the compound condensing process (CCP) which is made of two water cooling condensing processes in series for a centrifugal chiller in the paper. A finite-time thermodynamics method is used to set up the time series simulation model. As a result, an upper bound of recoverable condensation heat for the compound condensing process is obtained which is in good agreement with experimental result. And the result is valuable and useful to optimization design of condensing heat recovery. %K Condensation Heat Recovery %K Compound Condensing Process %K Time Series %K Finite-Time Thermodynamics %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130546