%0 Journal Article %T 一种预测采煤工作面顶板周期来压的新方法在煤矿的实践与应用
The Practice and Application of a New Method to Predict the Periodic Pressure on the Roof of a Coal Mining Face in Coal Mines %A 周连春 %J Mine Engineering %P 52-59 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ME.2024.121007 %X 针对国家能源集团乌海能源有限责任公司老石旦煤矿16402工作面顶板周期来压的技术难题,采用了一种预测采煤工作面顶板周期来压的新方法,并阐述了一种预测采煤工作面顶板周期来压的新方法的工作原理和使用注意事项,在老石旦煤矿16402工作面进行了应用研究,收到了良好应用效果,节约了成本,保证了16402综放工作面安全、高效地生产,具有很广泛的应用价值。
Aiming at the technical problem of the periodic roof pressure of the 16402 working face of the Laoshidan Coal Mine of the National Energy Group Wuhai Energy Co., Ltd., a new method for pre-dicting the periodic roof pressure of the coal mining working face was adopted, and a prediction method was elaborated the working principle and usage precautions of the new method of periodic pressure on the roof of the coal mining working face were applied and studied in the 16402 working face of Laoshidan Coal Mine. Good application results were achieved, cost was saved, and the work of the 16402 fully mechanized caving working face was ensured. It can produce safely and efficiently and has a wide range of application value. %K 预测采煤工作面顶板周期来压的新方法,实践,应用
New Method to Predict Periodic Roof Pressure on Coal Mining Face %K Practice %K Application %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79330