%0 Journal Article %T 具有L2-约束的非线性Choquard方程的多解性
Multiple Solutions for Nonlinear Choquard Equation with L2-Constraint %A 彭玉碧 %J Pure Mathematics %P 65-78 %@ 2160-7605 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PM.2024.141008 %X 本文考虑如下非线性Choquard方程\"\"其中a,b > 0 ,α∈(0,3),\"\"是Riesz位势。g(ξ)∈C(?, ?)满足Berestycki-Lions条件且其为奇或偶的。μ∈?是Lagrange乘子。Wu证明了(1)关于(u,κ)等同于如下系统:\"\"在Palais-Smale-Pohozaev条件下,发展新的形变理论,使之在L2-约束问题中能应用极大极小理论并且证明该系统存在无穷多解,因此可证非线性Choquard方程也存在无穷多解。本文处理L2-约束问题,即∫3|u|2dx=m。
In this paper, we consider the following nonlinear Choquard equation \"\"wherea,b > 0 ,α∈(0,3),\"\"is a Riesz potential. g(ξ)∈C(?, ?) satisfies Berestycki-Lions condition and it is odd or even. μ∈? is a Lagrange multiplier. Wu proved that (1) is equivalent to the following system with respect to (u,κ): \"\"We develop a new deformation argument under Palais-Smale-Pohozaev condition. It enables us to apply minimax argument for L2-constraint problem and we can prove the system exists infinitely many solutions, so we also prove Nonlinear Choquard Equation exists infinitely many solutions. In this paper, we deal with L2-constraint problem, i.e. ∫3|u|2dx=m. %K 非线性Choquard方程,Riesz位势,多维奇路径,Berestycki-Lions条件,L2-约束问题
Nonlinear Choquard Equation %K Riesz Potential %K Multidimensional Odd Paths %K Berestycki-Lions Condition %K L2-Constraint Problem %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79463