%0 Journal Article %T 学员科技素养培塑实践路径设计探索
Exploration of the Design of Practical Pathways for Cultivating Student Science and Technology Literacy %A 鞠丽梅 %A 刘芳 %A 孙炜海 %J Vocational Education %P 190-193 %@ 2160-4401 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/VE.2024.131031 %X 本文以科技素养培塑为目标,介绍了人才培养实践路径设计的探索过程,通过学员科技素养培塑“学习链”和“运用链”路径设计、建构“学习–运用”相融合的军校学员科技素养培塑路径设计体系。探索实践“科研成果牵引、军事科技竞赛搭台”军校学员科技素养培塑新路径,为人才培养实践路径设计提供了方法和策略。
This article aims to cultivate scientific and technological literacy, and introduces the exploration process of talent cultivation practice path design. Through the design of the “learning chain” and “application chain” paths for cultivating scientific and technological literacy among students, a military academy student scientific and technological literacy training path design system that integrates “learning application” is constructed. Exploring a new path for cultivating the scientific and technological literacy of military academy students through the guidance of scientific research achievements and the establishment of military science and technology competitions provides methods and strategies for designing talent training practice paths. %K 科技素养,实践,路径设计
Technological Literacy %K Practice %K Path Design %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79510