%0 Journal Article %T 企业事项申报系统设计及应用实践——以某能源化工基地系统设计为例
Design and Application Practice of Enterprise Item Application System—Design of Electronic Sand Table Teaching System in Police Academy %A 魏芸芸 %A 李雪巍 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 155-167 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MSE.2024.131015 %X 通过设计集成单向网闸等网间信息交换技术手段,进行内外网信息互通的系统功能设计,实现了两网互通的企业申报事项管理系统,使园区管委会的下辖企业各项申报事项能够通过互联网方便快捷的实现,减少申报事务办理的人力及时间成本,使管委会实现了企业申报事项审批流程及过程管理的全数字化,实现了对下辖企业各项申报事务的全程管理及全流程监督,本系统设计顺应当前节能减排、绿色办公的大趋势,提升了管委会对所属企业的服务质量及服务能力。
Integrating one-way network gates and other network information exchange technology means, designing the function of internal and external network information exchange system, and completing the enterprise declaration item management system, so that various declaration items of enterprises under the park management committee can be conveniently and quickly realized through the Internet, reducing the manpower and time costs of transaction processing, and enabling the management committee to achieve full digitalization of the enterprise declaration item approval process and process management, To achieve full process management and supervision of various declaration affairs of subordinate enterprises, in line with the current trend of energy conservation, emission reduction, and green office, and to enhance the service quality and capability of the management committee for its affiliated enterprises. %K 事项申报,政府服务,全流程监督,网间交换
Declaration of Matters %K Government Services %K Full Process Supervision %K Inter Network Exchange %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79495