%0 Journal Article %T 爆炸加载下多层间隔结构破坏行为研究
Investigation on Deformation Behaviors of the Multi-Layered Spaced Structures under the Explosive Loading %A 田立智 %A 张亚军 %A 汤铁钢 %A 宜晨虹 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 1-8 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2024.131001 %X 间隔结构因结构简单、抗爆效率高而广泛应用于冲击防护领域。针对间隔铝板与间隔铝锥两类结构,设计实验观察了其在爆轰加载下的变形特征,结合数值模拟分析了失效机理。基于分析结果,对抗爆结构的设计给出了建议。
Due to the simple structure and high efficiency of anti-explosion, multi-layered spaced structures are widely employed as protective armors to resist the impact loadings. In this paper, the deformation behaviors of spaced aluminum plate and spaced aluminum cone structures are investigated under the explosive loading. Based on the analysis of the experimental results, some advice on the design of blast resistance structures is given. %K 爆炸加载,间隔铝板,间隔铝锥,变形行为
Explosion Loading %K Spaced Aluminum Plate %K Spaced Aluminum Cone %K Deformation Behaviors %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79473