%0 Journal Article %T 符号图时变延迟神经网络的有限和固定时间控制
Finite/Fixed-Time Controls of Time-Varying Delayed Neural Networks in a Signed Graph %A 杨华波 %A 孙文 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 21-32 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2024.131003 %X 本文探究了在符号图中具有时变延迟神经网络有限和固定时间控制问题。通过设计有限和固定时间的控制器,利用在符号图中的矩阵M、稳定性理论和其它的一些不等式,得到时变延迟神经网络实现有限和固定时间的二分同步的充分条件以及达到同步的估计停时。最后,给出了一个数值例子验证了所设计有限和固定时间控制器的有效性。
In this paper, we explore the finite and fixed time controls of neural networks with time-varying delay in signed graphs. By designing finite and fixed time controllers and using matrix M defined in signed graph, stability theory and some other inequalities, the sufficient conditions and estimated time to achieve bipartite synchronization in finite and fixed time are obtained. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify the effectiveness of the designed finite and fixed time controllers. %K 有限和固定时间控制,时变延迟,符号图,神经网络
Finite/Fixed-Time Controls %K Time-Varying Delayed %K Signed Graph %K Neural Networks %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79475