%0 Journal Article %T 国产独立游戏本地化的常见问题与优化建议
Common Challenges and Optimization Suggestions for the Localization of China Independent Games %A 代苛雲 %J Modern Linguistics %P 251-256 %@ 2330-1716 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ML.2024.121037 %X 近年来,国内游戏市场竞争越发激烈,越来越多的游戏公司将目光投向海外市场,以寻求新的增长空间。由于不同国家和区域之间的语言、文化、监管环境、用户偏好等方面存在的差异,针对目标市场进行的本地化是游戏出海当中必不可少的环节。本地化的质量直接影响玩家的游戏体验和游戏的商业价值。国内现有研究主要集中在对游戏翻译策略的探讨上,缺少对本地化实际操作流程的整体把握和开发商、本地化供应商的视角引入。国内独立游戏开发商普遍认为本地化必要但不重要,或者由于经验缺乏和资源限制,在本地化环节面临各种挑战。本文首先介绍本地化的定义以及常见的流程,随后指出国产游戏,尤其是独立游戏在本地化过程中的常见问题以及优化建议。本文认为,重视操作流程、制定和遵守翻译规范、保持内外部的有效协调和沟通是保证本地化质量和效率的重要措施。
In recent years, the China gaming market has witnessed heightened competition, prompting an in-creasing number of game companies to seek new growth prospects in overseas markets. Due to dif-ferences in language, culture, regulatory environments, and user preferences among various coun-tries and regions, localization tailored to target markets has become an indispensable step in the global expansion of game companies. The quality of localization directly impacts players’ gaming experiences and the commercial value of games. Existing research in China primarily focuses on the discussion of game translation strategies, lacking a comprehensive understanding of the overall operational processes of localization and the perspectives of developers and localization service vendors. Independent game developers in China commonly perceive localization as necessary but not crucial. Due to the lack of experience and resources, they encounter various challenges during the localization process. This paper begins by introducing the definition of localization and common processes. It then highlights common issues during the localization of domestic games, especially independent games, and provides optimization suggestions. The paper believes that prioritizing operational processes, establishing and adhering to translation standards, and maintaining effec-tive internal and external coordination and communication are crucial measures for ensuring the quality and efficiency of localization. %K 游戏本地化,本地化项目管理,游戏翻译
Game Localization %K Localization Project Management %K Game Translation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79451