%0 Journal Article %T 目的论视角下黑龙江省非遗翻译策略研究
Research on Translation Strategies of Heilongjiang Intangible Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Skopos Theory %A 鞠倩 %A 沈章生 %A 王宏扬 %A 苏庆钊 %J Modern Linguistics %P 272-277 %@ 2330-1716 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ML.2024.121040 %X 随着全球化进程不断加深,中国深刻意识到了文化“走出去”战略的重要性,通过非遗翻译让世界对于中国的实力与文化拥有更加全面的认识也愈加重要。基于此背景,笔者在目的论三原则指导下,正确吸收理解黑龙江非遗文化,充分考虑中西方的文化差异,在多次进行翻译实践后,探究出能够真实地向世界展现黑龙江非遗文化的翻译策略。本文旨在研究目的论三原则指导下黑龙江省非物质文化遗产的翻译策略与方法,如增译法、减译法、意译法等,分析英汉两种宣传文本的差异,以推动黑龙江省非遗文化的国际传播。
With the deepening of globalization, China has realized the importance of implementing culture exporting strategy. Accordingly, giving the world a more comprehensive understanding of China’s strength and culture through the publicity and translation of intangible cultural heritage becomes more important. Based on this background, under the guidance of the three rules of Skopos Theory, in order to explore translation strategies of Heilongjiang intangible cultural heritage, the author fully considers the cultural differences between China and the West and carries out a plenty of translation practices. Under the guidance of three rules of Skopos Theory, this essay aims at study-ing the translation strategies and methods for intangible cultural heritage in Heilongjiang Province, including amplification, omission, and free translation, to promote its international communication. %K 目的论三原则,非物质文化遗产,增译法,减译法,意译法
Three rules of Skopos Theory %K Intangible Cultural Heritage %K Amplification %K Omission %K Free Translation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79459