%0 Journal Article %T 基于企业微信的智慧校园移动端应用建设
Construction of Smart Campus Mobile Application Based on Enterprise WeChat %A 卢启稳 %A 程茂华 %J Computer Science and Application %P 15-20 %@ 2161-881X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CSA.2024.141003 %X 目前全国高校智慧校园的建设取得了显著的成效,越来越多的高校开始向智慧校园移动端建设,利用移动端的便捷和普遍性为全校师生带来更高的服务质量和办事效率。本文提出把智慧校园平台和企业微信进行深度融合,以企业微信为移动端应用底座,建设智慧校园移动端应用。通过智慧校园移动端应用的建设实现智慧校园移动端应用统一管理和使用、企业微信账号一键登陆所有移动端应用、移动端应用消息统一推送到企业微信;丰富了学校信息化建设内容,提高了学校服务的质量和办事的效率,为全校师生的学习、生活和工作提供便利,为学校智慧校园平台得到更好的推广和使用。
At present, the construction of smart campuses in colleges and universities across the country has achieved remarkable results. More and more colleges and universities have begun to build smart campuses on mobile terminals, using the convenience and universality of mobile terminals to bring higher service quality and efficiency to teachers and students throughout the school. This article proposes to deeply integrate the smart campus platform and enterprise WeChat, and use enterprise WeChat as the mobile application base to build smart campus mobile applications. Through the construction of smart campus mobile applications, the unified management and use of smart campus mobile applications can be realized, the enterprise WeChat account can log in to all mobile applications with one click, and mobile application messages can be uniformly pushed to the enter-prise WeChat; this enriches the content of the school’s informatization construction and improves the quality of school services and efficiency of work provide convenience for the study, life and work of teachers and students at the school, and provide better promotion and use of the school’s smart campus platform. %K 智慧校园,企业微信,移动端应用
Smart Campus %K Enterprise WeChat %K Mobile Application %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79590