%0 Journal Article %T 浅谈注重形成性考核的课程考核方式改革
Brief Talk on the Reform of Curriculum Assessment Methods that Emphasize Formative Assessment %A 鞠丽梅 %A 孙炜海 %A 崔玉莲 %A 唐修检 %J Vocational Education %P 220-225 %@ 2160-4401 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/VE.2024.131036 %X 本文基于高等院校课程考核存在的普遍问题,理清课程考核方式改革的总体思路。结合《机械基础》课程,通过分析课程考核的主要内容,设计注重形成性考核的考核具体方案,从而总结课程考核模式改革的设计过程。从宏观到具体地分析注重考核能力、素质的课程考核模式改革经验。为高校课程考核方案制定提供了可参考的方法和策略。
This article is based on the common problems in curriculum assessment in higher education institutions, and clarifies the overall ideas for the reform of curriculum assessment methods. Based on the course of Mechanical Fundamentals, by analyzing the main content of course assessment, design a specific assessment plan that focuses on formative assessment, and summarize the design process of course assessment mode reform. Analyze the reform experience of curriculum assessment models that focus on assessing abilities and qualities from a macro to a specific perspective. This provides a reference method and strategy for the development of curriculum assessment plans in universities. %K 考核,模式改革,形成性考核
Course Evaluation %K Model Reform %K Formative Assessment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79582