%0 Journal Article %T 三产融合新模式同特色产业的耦合与推进——以贵州板贵花椒为例
Coupling and Promotion of New Model of Three-Industry Integration with Characteristic Industry—Taking Bangui Zanthoxylum in Guizhou as an Example %A 王鼎杰 %A 熊仁会 %A 李玥萱 %A 程拓 %A 夏玉玲 %J Sustainable Development %P 68-73 %@ 2160-7559 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SD.2024.141010 %X 为建设新阶段国内大循环及破解国内城乡发展不平衡问题、“三农”难题,国家提出乡村振兴战略,并以此构建新时代乡村可持续发展机制。在乡村振兴战略背景下,农村经济发展正面临着转型升级的重要机遇和挑战。三产融合作为一种新型的经济模式,强调农业、工业和服务业的互动与协同,被广泛认为是促进农村经济发展和乡村振兴的有效途径之一。同时,特色产业作为农村经济发展的重要支撑,具有地域特色和竞争优势,对于实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。本文以中国贵州省的板贵花椒为例,探讨了乡村振兴背景下三产融合新模式与特色产业的协同合作与推进,并分析了该模式对于乡村振兴的启示和借鉴意义。
In order to build a large domestic cycle in the new stage and solve the problem of unbalanced urban and rural development and the problem of “three farmers”, the country put forward the rural revitalization strategy, to build a sustainable rural development mechanism in the new era. Under the background of rural revitalization strategy, rural economic development is facing important opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading. As a new economic model, the in-tegration of three industries emphasizes the interaction and synergy between agriculture, industry and service industry, which is widely regarded as one of the effective ways to promote rural economic development and rural revitalization. At the same time, as an important support for rural economic development, characteristic industries have regional characteristics and competitive advantages, which is of great significance for realizing rural revitalization. Taking Bangui Zanthoxy-lum in Guizhou Province, China as an example, this paper discusses the collaborative cooperation and promotion of the new model of three-industry integration and characteristic industries under the background of rural revitalization, and analyzes the inspiration and reference significance of this model for rural revitalization. %K 乡村振兴,三产融合,特色产业,板贵花椒
Rural Revitalization %K Integration of Three Industries %K Characteristic Industry %K Bangui Zanthoxylum %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79534