%0 Journal Article %T 铅铋池式快堆自由液面波动致气体夹带行为研究
Research on Gas Entrainment Behavior Caused by Free Surface Fluctuation in Lead-Bismuth Pool Fast Reactor %A 田芮 %A 张钦栋 %A 康泽航 %A 应宋韬 %A 王思鹏 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 52-62 %@ 2332-712X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2024.121006 %X 铅铋池式快堆具备较好的增殖核燃料以及嬗变核废料潜力,是第四代反应堆中最具潜力的堆型之一,但其存在覆盖氩气被夹带进入液态铅铋致正反应性及缩减反应堆寿命的风险。本研究基于OpenFOAM对堆池局部区域进行了CFD仿真模拟,利用VOF (流体体积界面跟踪)方法对液体下落型气体夹带特性与参数影响展开研究。研究结果表明:液体下落型气体夹带的发展可分为初始阶段,液面波动阶段,夹带阶段和结束阶段;入口速度的增加会增强气体夹带的趋势;液面初始高度的增加阻碍气体夹带的趋势;入口高度的增大减弱自由液面波动的趋势。本研究阐明了四代铅铋池式快堆发生气体夹带的过程与机理,为池式快堆的安全运行提供一定的建议和指导。
The lead-bismuth pool-type fast reactor has good potential for proliferation of nuclear fuel and transmutation of nuclear waste, and is one of the most promising reactor types in the fourth gener-ation reactor. However, it has the risk of covering argon gas and being entrained into liquid lead-bismuth to cause positive reactivity and reduce reactor life. This study conducted CFD simulation on the local area of the reactor pool based on OpenFOAM, and used the VOF (fluid volume in-terface tracking) method to study the characteristics and parameter effects of liquid falling gas entrainment. The research results indicate that the development of liquid fall type gas entrainment can be divided into the initial stage, liquid level fluctuation stage, entrainment stage, and end stage; an increase in inlet velocity will enhance the trend of gas entrainment; the increase in initial liquid level hinders the trend of gas entrainment; the increase in inlet height weakens the trend of free liquid surface fluctuations. This study elucidates the process and mechanism of gas entrainment in the fourth generation lead-bismuth pool-type fast reactor, providing certain suggestions and guidance for the safe operation of the pool-type fast reactor. %K 液体下落型气体夹带,铅铋池式快堆,VOF方法,OpenFOAM
Liquid Fall Type Gas Entrainment %K Lead-Bismuth Pool-Type Fast Reactor %K VOF Method %K OpenFOAM %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79724