%0 Journal Article %T Abnormal Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Level and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding %A Varatharaja Vasantharaja Registrar %J Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology %P 110-123 %@ 2160-8806 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojog.2024.141012 %X Heavy Menstrual Bleeding is one of the common Gynaecological issues. There are several causes. Some of the women presented with these issues found to have underling thyroid abnormality which was not discovered earlier. This research tries to find the prevalence of the Thyroid Disorder among the women present with Heavy menstrual bleeding in Sri Lankan women. %K Heavy Menstrual Bleeding %K TSH Levels %K Thyroid Disorders %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130698