%0 Journal Article %T Can the Executive Pay Gap Promote High-Quality Corporate Development? ¡ªA Study of the Moderating Effect Based on Equity Concentration %A Lijuan Yang %A Li Ji %J Open Journal of Business and Management %P 210-224 %@ 2329-3292 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojbm.2024.121015 %X High-quality development is the primary task of China¡¯s comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country, and the high-quality development of corporates is the micro foundation of the country¡¯s high-quality development. Based on the panel data of A-share listed companies in China from 2010 to 2020, the relationship between the executive pay gap and the high-quality development of enterprises is examined. The findings show that the executive pay gap significantly promotes the high-quality corporate development, the influence mechanism is to improve the level of green innovation of enterprises, and the equity concentration negatively regulates the promotion effect of the executive pay gap on the high-quality corporate development. Analyzed by the nature of property rights, the executive pay gap has a greater effect on promoting the level of green innovation and high-quality development of non-state enterprises. The moderating effect of equity concentration is significantly negative in state-owned enterprises and significantly positive in non-state-owned enterprises. Therefore, in order to promote the high-quality corporate development, we should appropriately increase the executive pay gap, set a reasonable degree of equity concentration, strengthen the supervision of executive behavior, and enhance the level of green innovation. %K Executive Pay Gap %K High-Quality Corporate Development %K Equity Concentration %K Green Innovation %K Regulatory Effect %K China %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130665