%0 Journal Article %T Contribution of GIS to Soil Landscape Mapping by Multi-Criteria Analysis Using Weighting: The Case of the Square Degrees of M¡¯Bahiakro (Centre) and Daloa (Centre-West) in Ivory Coast %A Guy Fernand Yao %A Derving Baka %A Nestor Kouman Yao Kouakou %A Bala Mamadou Ouattara %A Kouadio Amani %A Jean Lopez Essehi %A Brou Kouame %A Albert Yao-Kouame %J Open Journal of Geology %P 101-116 %@ 2161-7589 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojg.2024.141006 %X As part of the drive to improve coffee and cocoa production in Ivory Coast, studies are carried out to identify soils that are favourable for these crops. It is therefore necessary to orientate soil investigations based on reliable criteria that best discriminate soil cover. With this in mind, this study is being carried out to help improve survey methods by mapping soil landscapes. It uses GIS and weighted multicriteria analysis. To do this, satellite images were processed and the geological map of the square degrees of M¡¯Bahiakro and Daloa was reclassified. The results show that relief is the main factor in soil landscape differentiation, with respective weights of 0.58 and 0.67 for the forest and pre-forest zones. In contrast, the weight of geological formation in soil landscape differentiation remains low (0.05 for the forest zone and 0.07 for the pre-forest zone). The criteria used on the base of aggregation sum methods have made it possible to formulate soil landscape mapping prediction functions according to agro-ecological environments in the humid intertropical zone. This is essential for the orientation of soil survey work. Nevertheless, other comparative methods, such as the coding mapping method, could provide elements for discussion to validate the models. %K GIS %K Multi-Criteria Analysis %K Soil Landscapes %K M¡¯Bahiakro %K Daloa %K Ivory Coast %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130700