%0 Journal Article %T 思想政治教育视域下高校德育与心育协同育人研究
Research on the Collaboration between oral Education and Mental Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Ide-ological and Political Education %A 王媛媛 %J Advances in Psychology %P 222-228 %@ 2160-7281 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AP.2024.141031 %X 心理健康教育是思想政治教育体系的重要组成部分,两者相互促进、相互影响。当代大学生群体的心理和思想状况与育人要求存在差距,心理与思想之间存在着互动关系,因此,必须实现高校德育与心育协同育人。德育与心育在根本任务、教育内容与教育主体上存在融合的可行性,两者在理论基础、教育目标、教育方法上存在的差异为二者互鉴互通奠定了基础。德育与心育协同育人是协同理论在教育领域的运用,在国家政策的支持引导下不断发展。两者协同育人能够弥补思想政治教育的片面性,提升高校育人实效。现阶段大多数高校在两者协同育人问题上存在教师队伍专业化程度低、教学方法实效性不强以及校园精神文化建设不到位的问题。针对这些问题,本文在师资队伍、教育方法、文化环境建设等方面提出了有针对性的措施。
Mental health education is an important part of the ideological and political education system, and the two promote and influence each other. There is a gap between the psychological and ideological conditions of contemporary college students and the requirements of education, and there is an in-teractive relationship between psychology and ideology, so it is necessary to realise the synergistic education of moral education and mental education in colleges and universities. Moral education and mental education in the fundamental task, educational content and the main body of education, there is the feasibility of integration, the two in the theoretical basis, educational objectives, educa-tional methods of the differences between the two for the two mutual understanding of the basis of interoperability. The synergistic education of moral education and mental education is the applica-tion of synergistic theory in the field of education, which is constantly developing under the support and guidance of national policies. The two synergistic educations can make up for the one-sidedness of ideological and political education, and improve the effectiveness of education in colleges and universities. At this stage, most colleges and universities have the problems of low specialisation of teachers, ineffectiveness of teaching methods and lack of spiritual culture on campus. In view of these problems, this paper puts forward targeted measures in the faculty, educational methods, cultural environment construction and other aspects. %K 思想政治教育,心理健康教育,协同育人,高校
Ideological and Political Education %K Mental Health Education %K Collaborative Education %K Colleges and Universities %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79692