%0 Journal Article %T 医学院校大学生志愿服务动机与工作满意度的关系:心理资本的中介作用
Relationship between Voluntary Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Medical College Students: Mediating Effect of Psychological Capita %A 王琳 %J Advances in Psychology %P 235-241 %@ 2160-7281 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AP.2024.141033 %X 目的:研究医学生志愿服务工作动机与工作满意度具有一定的实践、理论意义,为志愿服务体系的建立提供重要依据。方法:在黑龙江省地区范围内,选取医学类院校本科学生352名,通过采取整群抽样法,选择自编“医学生志愿服务动机问卷”、“明尼苏达满意度问卷短式量表”、改编后的“积极心理资本量表”进行调查。结果:医学院校大学生志愿者心理资本与工作满意度呈显著正相关,并具有较强的预测作用,心理资本可以通过动机激发促进医学院大学生志愿服务工作满意度的提升。
Objective: To study the motivation and satisfaction of medical students’ volunteer service, which is of practical and theoretical significance, and to provide an important basis for the establishment of volunteer service system. Methods: A total of 352 undergraduate students from medical colleges and universities in Heilongjiang province were selected to conduct the survey through cluster sam-pling. The self-compiled Questionnaire on motivation for Medical students’ voluntary service, the Short scale of Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and the adapted Positive psychological Capital scale were selected to conduct the survey. Results: There was a significantly positive correlation between volunteer psychological capital and job satisfaction of medical college students, and psy-chological capital had a strong predictive effect. Psychological capital could stimulate and promote the improvement of volunteer job satisfaction of medical college students through motivation. %K 大学生志愿服务,动机,工作满意度,心理资本,中介分析
College Student Volunteer Service %K Motivation %K Job Satisfaction %K Psychological Capital %K The Mediation Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79694