%0 Journal Article %T 乡村振兴战略背景下加强农村心理健康服务的路径研究
Study on the Path of Strengthening Rural Mental Health Services in the Context of Rural Revitalisation Strategy %A 王卢 %J Advances in Psychology %P 251-256 %@ 2160-7281 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AP.2024.141035 %X 乡村全面振兴,不仅包含物质层面的振兴,更包含精神文化层面的振兴。加强乡村心理健康服务是促进农村人民身心健康的重要一环,对于提振乡村民众的精气神、激发乡村振兴的内驱力、赋能乡村共同富裕具有积极作用。在当前乡村振兴战略背景下,可以将心理健康服务纳入顶层设计,构建农村居民心理健康服务体系,为农村居民普及心理健康知识,推动心理健康服务手段数字化,从而促进农村居民心理健康素养整体水平不断提升。
The comprehensive revitalisation of the countryside encompasses not only material revitalisation, but also spiritual and cultural revitalisation. Strengthening rural mental health services is an im-portant part of promoting the physical and mental health of rural people, and plays a positive role in lifting the spirits of rural people, stimulating the internal drive for rural revitalisation, and em-powering the common wealth of the countryside. In the context of the current rural revitalisation strategy, mental health services can be incorporated into the top-level design to build a mental health service system for rural residents, popularise mental health knowledge among rural resi-dents, and promote the digitisation of mental health services, thereby promoting the continuous improvement of the overall level of mental health literacy among rural residents. %K 乡村振兴,农村居民,心理健康服务
Rural Rejuvenation %K Rural Residents %K Mental Health Services %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79772