%0 Journal Article %T 绿色金融试点政策对低碳经济的影响
Impact of Green Finance Pilot Policies on the Low-Carbon Economy %A 周子阳 %J Finance %P 270-281 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.141029 %X 在实现“2030碳达峰”“2060碳中和”目标的过程中,绿色金融试点政策与低碳经济是其重要手段和方式,需要充分发挥绿色金融试点政策与低碳经济的作用。本文基于中国30个省、市以及自治区2013~2021年的面板数据,建立双重差分模型,来探究绿色金融试点政策对低碳经济的影响。通过研究发现:第一,绿色金融试点政策能够促进低碳经济的发展;第二,绿色金融试点政策在影响试点地区低碳经济发展的同时,也会对邻近地区的低碳经济发展产生空间溢出效应。基于以上研究结论,本文提出以下建议:第一,完善绿色金融政策框架;第二,加强绿色金融机构的建设;第三,强化信息披露与评估。
In the process of realizing the goals of “2030 Carbon Peak” and “2060 Carbon Neutral”, the green finance pilot policy and low carbon economy are important means and methods, and the role of the green finance pilot policy and low carbon economy needs to be brought into full play. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China from 2013 to 2021, this paper establishes a double-difference model to investigate the impact of green finance pilot policies on the low-carbon economy. It is found that: firstly, the green finance pilot policy can promote the development of low carbon economy; secondly, the green finance pilot policy affects the development of low carbon economy in the pilot area, and at the same time, it will also have spatial spillover effects on the development of low carbon economy in the neighboring areas. Based on the above findings, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: first, improve the green finance policy framework; second, strengthen the construction of green financial institutions; and third, enhance information disclosure and assessment. %K 绿色金融试点政策,低碳经济,双重差分模型
Green Finance Pilot Policy %K Low Carbon Economy %K Double Difference Modeling %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79843