%0 Journal Article %T 负责任创新视角下人工智能的伦理困境及对策
The Ethical Dilemma and Countermeasures of Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Responsible Innovation %A 仇裴如 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 229-236 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131035 %X 人工智能自诞生至今,其发展已取得前所未有的突破,对人类社会产生深刻的影响。同时一系列伦理困境也随之产生,如隐私泄露、安全事故、人的全面发展失衡等,是全世界亟待面对和解决的难题。近年来负责任创新作为一种新的创新理念在欧美科技伦理研究领域兴起,旨在解决技术创新面临的道德难题及伦理规范问题。为解决人工智能产生的伦理困境,可将预期、反思、协商、反馈这四种负责任创新框架嵌入人工智能技术创新之中,为其指引正确、科学的方向,促使人工智能与人类社会能够和谐共处,创造更加美好的未来。
Since the birth of artificial intelligence, its development has made unprecedented breakthroughs, exerting profound influence on human society. However, a series of ethical dilemmas have also emerged, such as privacy breaches, security accidents, and the unbalanced comprehensive development of human beings, which are difficult problems that the whole world urgently needs to face and solve. In recent years, responsible innovation has emerged as a new concept in the field of technological ethics research in Europe and the United States, aiming to address the moral and ethical issues faced by technological innovation. To address the ethical dilemmas arising from artificial intelligence technology, embedding the responsible innovation framework of anticipation, reflection, engagement, and responsiveness into the innovation of artificial intelligence technology will guide it in the right and scientific direction, enabling artificial intelligence to coexist harmoniously with human society, and create a brighter future. %K 负责任创新,人工智能,伦理困境
Responsible Innovation %K Artificial Intelligence %K Ethical Dilemma %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79798