%0 Journal Article %T 配网典型物资成本构成分析与计算方法模型研究
Research on Distribution Network Typical Material Cost Composition Analysis and Calculation Method Model %A 卢晶 %A 王广江 %A 李鹏飞 %A 陈徐晶 %A 董凤娜 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 193-200 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MSE.2024.131018 %X 本文以高低压开关柜为研究对象,对国内主流生产厂商进行调研工作,汇总整理不同型号高低压开关柜各成本项数据,以典型配置的组成部分占总成本百分比的算术平均值作为高低压开关柜各组成部分的成本敏感度,对不同型号和功能种类高低压开关柜各组成部分的成本敏感度分析,识别关键敏感因子对价格波动的影响变化,为采购策略、采购规则优化提出科学合理的建议,提高优质采购质效,进而实现强化配网设备“四同”采购管理,提升采购策略规范应用成效的总体目标。
The paper takes high and low voltage switchgear as the research object, investigates the domestic mainstream manufacturers, and collects and collates the cost data of different types of high and low voltage switchgear. It takes the arithmetic mean of the percentage of typical configuration components in the total cost as the cost sensitivity of each component of the high and low voltage switchgear, analyzes the cost sensitivity of each component of the high and low voltage switchgear of different models and functional types, and identifies the impact of key sensitive factors on price fluctuations, put forward scientific and reasonable suggestions for the optimization of procurement strategies and procurement rules, improve the quality and efficiency of high-quality procurement, and then achieve the overall goal of strengthening the “four identities” procurement management of distribution network equipment and improving the effectiveness of standardized application of procurement strategies. %K 开关柜,成本构成,成本计算,敏感度分析
Switchgear %K Cost Structure %K Cost Calculation %K Sensitivity Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79852