%0 Journal Article %T Educational Beliefs of Special Education Teachers and Principals Working in Short-Term Emergency Shelter On-Site Schools %A Michal Levy %A Ruth Gottfried %A Hagit Inbar-Furst %J Creative Education %P 46-67 %@ 2151-4771 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ce.2024.151003 %X The present study qualitatively explored, via semi-structured interviews, the educational beliefs of 12 Special Education Teachers (SETs) and eight principals working within Emergency Shelter On-site Schools (ESOSs) throughout Israel. Findings of the Deductive-Qualitative Approach (DQA) focus on the following educational belief categories: 1) the professional role of SETs within ESOSs; 2) the ESOS context/environment; 3) ESOS students¡¯ special needs, diversity, and abilities; 4) the content/knowledge taught within ESOSs; and 5) the teaching practices incorporated within ESOSs. A broad perspective of the findings revealed three novel continuums, titled: 1) mono-multi, 2) independent-integrated, and 3) structured-flexible, upon which SETs¡¯ and principals¡¯ educational beliefs are situated. Study findings enhance the research fields of both educational beliefs and ESOSs, for the ultimate benefit and positive trajectory of ESOS students. %K Child Welfare %K Special Education Teachers %K Principals %K Educational Beliefs %K Emergency Shelter On-Site Schools %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130763