%0 Journal Article %T 思想政治教育视域下的研究生心理健康教育研究
Research on the Mental Health Education of Graduate Student under the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education %A 崔婕 %J Advances in Psychology %P 321-326 %@ 2160-7281 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AP.2024.141045 %X 随着现代教育水平的不断提高以及社会竞争的日趋激烈,作为高学历群体中的一部分,研究生群体的社会期望值高,所承受的压力大,研究生的社会心态是否健康,直接影响他们能否成为国家所需要的人才。从思想政治教育与心理健康教育的基本理论出发,立足于高校研究生的思想政治教育和管理工作,以心理健康教育的实践经验为基础,深入研究思想政治教育与心理健康教育的契合性、分析研究生心理健康教育问题产生的原因,从搭建服务平台,提升大思政理念,发挥高校作用三个角度提出解决措施,并采取思想政治教育方式解决研究生心理健康教育问题,帮助高校更好地引导、教育、推动研究生的全面发展,做到以人为本,以学生为本。
With the continuous improvement of the modern education level and the increasingly fierce social competition, as a part of the highly educated group, the graduate students have high social expecta-tions and bear great pressure. Whether the social mentality of the graduate students is healthy di-rectly affects whether they can become the talents needed by the country. From the basic theory of ideological and political education and mental health education, this paper, based on the ideological and political education of management work and the practical experience of mental health educa-tion, elaborated the consistency of ideological and political education and mental health education. It analyzes the causes of graduate mental health education problems and gives three solutions to solve the problem of graduate student mental health education. Hopefully, this method could help universities better guidance in education and promote the all-round development of graduate stu-dents. %K 思想政治教育,研究生,心理健康教育
Ideological and Political Education %K Graduate Students %K Mental Health Education %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79933