%0 Journal Article %T 商品新颖性对不同认知风格大学生购买意愿的影响研究
A Study of the Effect of Product Novelty on the Purchase Intention of College Students with Different Cognitive Styles %A 师金阳 %A 马学海 %J Advances in Psychology %P 327-333 %@ 2160-7281 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AP.2024.141046 %X 随着经济社会的快速发展和生活质量的提高,大学生群体在购买商品时,更倾向于性价比高的商品,然而不同的认知风格往往会造成大学生群体购买意愿上的偏差。为了探究商品新颖性对不同认知风格大学生购买意愿的影响,论文对大学生购买商品时的心理进行了分析,以揭示大学生消费群体在选择商品过程中的心理倾向,为商家设计出更符合市场需求的商品提供理论依据。研究内容分两部分,实验一采用2 (认知风格:理性型、直觉型) × 2 (商品新颖性:传统性、创新性)的混合实验设计,结果表明,商品新颖性主效应显著,认知风格主效应不显著,商品新颖性与认知风格存在交互作用;实验二采用2 (认知风格:理性型、直觉型) × 2 (曝光次数:1次、3次)混合实验设计,结果表明,曝光次数主效应显著,认知风格主效应不显著,曝光次数与认知风格不存在交互作用。综上说明,商品新颖性和曝光次数对不同认知风格大学生购买意愿产生较大的影响。
With the rapid development of economy and society and the improvement of quality of life, college students are more inclined to cost-effective commodities when purchasing commodities, but dif-ferent cognitive styles often cause deviations in the purchase intention of college students. In order to explore the impact of product novelty on the purchase intention of college students with different cognitive styles, we analyzed the psychology of college students when purchasing commodities, so as to reveal the psychological tendency of college students’ consumer groups in the process of choosing products, and provide a theoretical basis for merchants to design products that are more in line with market demand. The research is divided into two parts. Experiment 1 adopted a mixed experimental design of 2 (cognitive style: rational, intuitive) × 2 (commodity novelty: traditional, innovative). The results showed that the main effect of commodity novelty was significant, while the main effect of cognitive style was insignificant, and there was an interaction between commodity novelty and cognitive style. In experiment 2, a mixed experimental design of 2 (cognitive style: ra-tional, intuitive) × 2 (exposure times: 1 time, 3 times) was adopted. The results suggested that the main effect of exposure times was significant, while the main effect of cognitive style was not signif-icant, and there was no interaction between exposure times and cognitive style. To sum up, the commodity novelty and exposure times have a great impact on the purchase intention of college students with different cognitive styles. %K 商品新颖性,曝光次数,认知风格,购买意愿
Product Novelty %K Number of Exposures %K Cognitive Style %K Purchase Intention %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79934