%0 Journal Article %T 中医药治疗胃癌微环境的研究进展
Research Progress on TCM Treatment of Gastric Cancer Microenvironment %A 吉万理 %J Traditional Chinese Medicine %P 156-162 %@ 2166-6059 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TCM.2024.131025 %X 肿瘤微环境的改变导致了细胞基因突变,是肿瘤发生的重要原因,针对肿瘤微环境进行干预的治疗是近年来肿瘤界最受关注的研究领域之一。中医学独特的整体观念与肿瘤微环境的概念有着相通之处,中医药改善胃癌肿瘤微环境疗效确切,其理论基础及现代机制已有诸多探索研究。因此,笔者对近年来中医药有关胃癌肿瘤微环境的文章进行搜集,对认识及干预胃癌肿瘤微环境的研究现状进行了归纳分析,以求为今后中医药干预胃癌肿瘤微环境的研究提供新的参考与路径。
The change of tumor microenvironment leads to cell gene mutation, which is an important cause of tumor occurrence, and the intervention of tumor microenvironment is one of the most popular re-search fields in the tumor field in recent years. The unique overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine has similarities with the concept of tumor microenvironment, and traditional Chinese medicine has a definite curative effect on improving gastric cancer tumor microenvironment, and its theoretical basis and modern mechanism have been explored and studied. Therefore, the author collected the articles about gastric cancer tumor microenvironment in recent years, and summa-rized and analyzed the research status of understanding and intervention of gastric cancer tumor microenvironment, so as to provide new reference and path for the future research of traditional Chinese medicine intervention of gastric cancer tumor microenvironment. %K 中医药,胃癌,肿瘤微环境
Traditional Chinese Medicine %K Gastric Cancer %K Tumor Microenvironment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79950